Life goes on and on

Life goes on and on_c0060143_01552520.jpg

I’ve done whole bunch of nothing today. 
I was watching movie with my iPad until 4 a.m.  I woke up around noon, ate my lunch. Setting up a new PC I’m going to write a review article about. I know I got two more packages, but I’m saving them until I got enough time to play. 

What else did I do today?  

Oh, I was watching a movie called “Serenity”. I saw a TV series a while ago. Then, I looked for this movie, and I couldn’t find it.  Until today. I found it in Netflix. They must have added the movie recently. It’s rather classic sci-fi movie, and I liked it. Too bad the TV series got cancelled after single season. 

Then I started watching the one and only “Matrix”. Can you believe it’s been 20 years since the movie was made. I remember so well, because the opening day of the movie was about the same time I came back to Japan from the U.S..  

20 years. I got a lot older. I feel like a piece of me is still living in America. In a way it’s true. I learned so many things from those 5 years I was in the States, four years in college, and one year working as a digital photographer. 

It’s long gone. Life goes on. 

by t0maki | 2019-02-12 01:32 | Comments(0)